111-2學年度景文高中國際雙語班 期末成果發表會 活動照片
801成果發表會 (另開新視窗)
S101 Group1 “Dance” (另開新視窗)
S101 Group2 “Cooking” (另開新視窗)
S101 Group3 “Flow Arts” (另開新視窗)
S101 Group4 “Gardening” (另開新視窗)
701 Group1 TV commercial 1 –Robot You Can Send to School (另開新視窗)
701 Group2 Sketch comedy routine 1–School Pet Day (另開新視窗)
701 Group3 TV commercial 2 –The 'DreamSleep' Bed (另開新視窗)
701 Group4 Sketch comedy routine 2 –Career Day (另開新視窗)
701 Group5 TV commercial 3 –Disappear Reappear Shoes (另開新視窗)
701 Group6 TV News (另開新視窗)
701 Group7 TV commercial 4 –Toast that Makes You Smart (另開新視窗)
701 Group8 Sketch comedy routine 3–Ghost Helper (另開新視窗)
S201 Group1 SG glasses (另開新視窗)
S201 Group2 Father Times (另開新視窗)
S201 Group3 ACE company (另開新視窗)
S201 Group4 NEX wave (另開新視窗)
S201 Group5 Nutter (另開新視窗)
S201 Group6 Lardy Hairdryer (另開新視窗)